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Beginner-friendly Freshwater Fish for Newbies

Are you interested in learning how to keep a freshwater aquarium? Below are the list of some beginner-friendly freshwater fish for newbies.

Guppy (Poecilia Reticulata)

Fresh Water Fish Guppy

The Guppy Fish (Poecilia reticulata) is also known as the “Million-Fish” or “Rainbow Fish”.

It is native to Northeast and South America but is now mostly reared in captivity. It is currently a common tropical fish owned by practically every aquarist at some point in time. They are also budget-friendly ($1-6) and are easily maintainable.

They also come in a rainbow of hues. This beginner-friendly freshwater fish has a calm demeanour, making it ideal for beginners. For beginners, these widely dispersed tropical fish are adaptable and can adjust to a variety of water conditions, making them ideal for a novice. These omnivores devour anything – they can eat almost anything without it harming their health. Their diet includes fish flakes, brine shrimp, Daphnia, and blood worms. It is normal for them to go a week without food, not that we condone it, but sometimes we may forget to feed our fish daily. Due to their tiny stomachs, they only need to be fed once or twice a day in very little quantities. They may be small but are quite tough!

Despite their small size, they should be kept in a hard-water aquarium of at least 40 to 75 litres with lots of hiding spots. They also get along nicely with other gentle fishes – which is a plus. Keep an eye on the female to male ratio.

Mollies & Platys (Livebearers)

Freshwater Fish Mollies & Platys

The majority of molly and platy owners begin with just one or two beginner-friendly freshwater fish, and within the first couple of weeks, the number of fish may have doubled.

The first fish you adopt from a tank of live-bearing fish has a 50% chance of being a pregnant female, thus the name “live-bearing fish.” It’s impossible to tell how many fish you’ll be taking in since fertilisation takes place inside the fish, not on the surface. And a live-bearing female can give birth to many offspring after a single mating!

Mollies and platys are easy-to-care for fish. In schools, they can grow up to 7 centimetres long. Start with a popular kind like a black molly or crimson platy. Some unique varieties have inbreeding issues, making them unsuitable for novices.

Mollies and platys are hardy and easy to care for. Their diet includes pellets or flakes. If your population expands, you may need to upgrade from a 40-litre tank. When working with live fish, it’s important to always consider excess. Even beginners may produce twice or three times as many fish in a few months. Inbreeding will result from reduced production and unmonitored breeding. Most species are sexually dimorphic, with male and female features distinguishable. Male anal fins are long and pointed, female anal fins are fan-shaped. By segregating the sexes, the population may be controlled. If you don’t want to breed, instal a tank divider, keeping the males and females apart.

Standard Goldfish (Carassius Auratus)

Freshwater Fish Goldfish

Beginners should start with long-bodied goldfish, like the Comet, Shubunkin, and Sarasa. As a general rule, goldfish with unusually shaped bodies are best for intermediate fish owners.

Comet goldfish can be white, orange, gold, or black, and although they begin little, they can grow up to 35 centimetres or the equivalent of a big dinner plate. Sarasa and Shubunkin goldfish tend to be smaller and can grow up to 20-25 centimetres.

You’ll need at least 75 litres of freshwater for each goldfish, no matter which kind you pick! Goldfish will also require a larger tank as they get older.

There may be more waste produced by goldfish than other fish since they are not as good at converting their food as other beginner fish. Gradually switch them over to a pelleted diet as soon as they are old enough for it, helping to minimise food waste and the release of ammonia emissions.

Neon Tetras (Paracheirodon Innesi)

Small but beautiful, a school of these colourful beginner-friendly freshwater fish look fantastic in an aquarium.

These fish give vibrancy to a communal freshwater aquarium with their blue and red stripes. Neon tetras are peaceful and don’t pollute the water.

Neon Tetras may reach 3 centimetres in size. They also like to school in groups of three to five. They are perfect for a Zen-inspired plant aquarium.

Inbreeding symptoms include missing an operculum (gill cover), lopsided mouths, and malformed fins. Plant-filled aquariums help young fish hide and thrive.

There are tiny pellet meals for Neon Tetras. Flake feeds can also be utilise for little Tetras.

Betta Fish (Betta Splendens)

Freshwater Fish Betta

Being one of the easiest beginner-friendly freshwater fish to care for, Bettas will live longer and happier lives with few changes to their environment.

A 20-litre aquarium with a filter and heater is great for Bettas. Bettas are tropical fish and like temperatures between 26 to 28 degrees Celsius. More water implies your heater will keep a constant temperature. Use a genuine thermometer instead of the stick-on temperature gauges.

Bettas’ delicate fins and long bodies make them vulnerable in fast-moving water. Use a good filter and reduce or divert the water flow to avoid dragging your betta. Their fins will pull off if they come in contact with anything sharp. When choosing any potential décor for your aquarium, ensure no firm or sharp protrusions should be present. Go for more Betta specific décor. Remember that Betta fish may grow up to 10 centimetres long, so choose décor accordingly.

Male bettas will fight among themselves, so ensure that you keep them apart. A group of all-female bettas can be place in a big enough tank. If you’re a beginner, start with one mature male betta fish in your tank. You can keep less aggressive fish of the same species together in a larger tank. Extra water also helps newbies stick to a routine. To create the perfect home for your new pet fish ensure you have the correct filter and heater.

Another important point to know is you should not overfeed your Betta! Their stomach is super small and is equivalent to the size of their eyeball. They should only be able to eat two meals every day in three minutes or less. The amount you feed depends on the size of your aquarium fish and the pellets you choose. Bettas should only consume Betta-specific food pellets so they can acquire enough nutrition and can fit in their mouth properly.

We hope that some of the species mentioned in this article piqued your curiosity in maybe starting your very own aquarium. There are a number of these fish that we believe are acceptable for beginners in the hobby, but not all of them can be house together. Our best wishes to you and we hope you have a great time exploring the wonders of your new aquarium.

If you want to know more about fish and fishkeeping, we are here to assist you! The team at Aqua Pet Melbourne are experts in fish and custom aquarium setups, from conception to completion. The AquaPet online store or our Derrimut warehouse in Victoria can supply everything you need for your fish, from fish food to water health supplies and tank cleaning tools to fish tank accessories.

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