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Fish Jumping Out of Their Tanks?

Fish jumping out? Here’s How to Put A Stop To It.

So, What Actually Causes Fish to Jump Out?

Fish can be quite mischievous animals. Why would anyone want to leave their comfortable, safe environment – especially when the dangers of leaving are so high? Although the answer isn’t always obvious – it usually boils down to their instincts. They have no idea a magical glass wall separates them from life and death, so naturally, when a fish jumps out, it’s almost certainly by accident.

When a fish becomes stressed or afraid, it may jump to try and escape the potential stressor. Some fish, on the other hand, are natural jumpers who do it just for fun. This is just one of the many reasons why you should do your research on the fish before purchasing it.

Is it possible to save a fish that has already jumped?

It has happened to all of us fish lovers: you walk over to your fish tank first thing in the morning, only to find out that one of your fish has jumped out overnight. Sometimes you get lucky and are new to the scene, but it is usually too late. If your fish is crispy, it’s time to plan a funeral. If the fish are healthy, you can put them back in the tank and fill a small container with tank water. Keep an eye on the fish for a few hours after to see if they come back to life.

What Are Fish Prone to Jumping?

Here is a list of active fish jumpers. Any fish that spends the majority of its time near the water’s surface poses a flight risk. But, at the end of the day any of the fish can pose a flight risk:

  • Rainbow fish
  • Betta fish
  • Hatchet fish
  • Many Tetras
  • Most fast swimmers
  • Most top dwellers

How To Stop Fish from Jumping:

Tip #1: Glass Tops (Aquarium Lids)

Glass aquarium tops or lids are a popular accessory that can be purchased from almost any fish tank retailer. They typically have a hinge that allows you to raise only the front piece to access the tank to feed your fish. They come in predetermined sizes to fit a variety of standard, rimmed aquariums. You might even find some with the aquarium kit that you are thinking about purchasing. If your aquarium has no rim, you’ll have to deal with a new set of problems, unfortunately. Because there is no moulded border on the tank, you will need to cut a bespoke piece of glass or acrylic to fit properly. Nonetheless, this may affect the installation of your light fixture and equipment may be a problem. Plastic clips and glass sheets laid on top are recommended because they provide a nearly flawless covering with few openings for equipment.

Tip #2: Use Floating Plants

Fish will avoid jumping if you have a thick layer of floating plants at the top of your water column. This is the method to use when constructing a rimless Betta tank. The visual barrier appears to prevent the fish from jumping over it. Salvinia is preferable over Duckweed, but anything of the sort will work. Floating aquarium plants significantly reduce water pollutants such as ammonia, nitrate, and even heavy metals that can make your fish sick. I’ve included a link to a website where you can purchase a variety of floating plants for this purpose.

Tip #3: Invest in a Tall Fish Tank

This may seem strange, but if a fish is scared and needs to get away it may start swimming erratically around its tank. In a 6x2x2’ Waterbox tank – which is completely filled with Jumpers, by the way, there is almost no fish out of the water. Investing in a tall fish tank can help stop the fish from trying to escape.

Tip #4: Reduce the water in your tank.

This one is a no-brainer, yet it works! Reduce the water level and try to extend the high jump pole a few inches. You may or may not want to use this strategy depending on the size, shape, and aquascape of your tank. It’s not for everyone, and we recommend starting with a smaller tank and installing a specialised aquascape that does not require a lot of water.

If you do not want to use a lid on your aquarium, try out the other options mentioned to see which one you prefer, and which works the best for you. Reduce the water level slightly and try to add as many floating plants as you can.

Do you require assistance? We’re here to teach you everything you need to know about fish and fish keeping. AquaPet’s Melbourne staff are experts in fish and custom aquarium setups, from conception to completion. The AquaPet online store and our warehouse in Derrimut in Melbourne have everything that you need for your fish – from fish food to water health supplies and tank cleaning tools to fish tank accessories.

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